Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Long Journey

One more week!! The suspense is beginning to build in my home now. After my 2nd daughter's big 6th birthday party, it's now time to begin the preparations for another birthday celebration ~ Jesus'. I know that many of you have a difficult time keeping Christ in Christmas, just as I do. It's not hard to get caught up in all the commercialism that is prevalently associated with the traditions of gift giving at Christmas. I am proud to announce that I have not spent 1 dime on Christmas gifts at any of the massive conglomerate stores (you know the ones I speak of ;) I am doing my best to keep Christmas meaningful and avoid large credit card bills for months following the holiday. This is not easy! Everywhere you and I turn, we are being inundated with advertisements and marketing gimmicks designed to play on our guilt, make us whip out the plastic and swipe, swipe, swipe away!! No!!! I will not be wooed! If you are in agreement with me, and share my feelings, I am here to help support you, my friend. We can do this! I believe a healthy dose of denial has helped my cause, too ;) 

Back to keeping Christmas meaningful . . .

Here's a wonderful tradition for Christian families to adopt. I pulled out the decorations yesterday, and my young girls and I adorned our tree. I then also set up our manger scene. This manger scene was handed down to me by my beloved paternal grandmother (I've spoken highly of her before). For years I had always admired it in her home, so when she asked me if I would like to have it, I was honored and extremely happy, too!! :) Thank you, MomMom.

Anyhow, it's a very simple tradition to begin. I placed Mary, Joseph and their faithful donkey at a distant place (high above little hands) within the same room as the manger scene. Each night, after the girls are in bed, I move the travellers a bit closer to the manger, signifying their long journey to Bethlehem. Each morning, the girls look to see where Mary & Joseph are and they get a little bit more excited knowing that Christmas is coming - soon! Once they reach the manger it will be Christmas eve. Baby Jesus will be placed in the manger on Christmas morning (before my girls awake). Just imagine the excitement that this produces for little ones!! :)

It helps that my 2nd daughter understands that Christmas day signifies Jesus' birth. My youngest (#3) doesn't get it quite yet, but she will. With each year, they understand a little more about the story of Christmas. It truly is a magnificent one, filled with wondrous magic. Magic in which I believe.  

Here are Joseph, Mary and the donkey on their journey

Their destination awaits them . . .

. . . and this little guy stays put on the tree. ;) 

Do share how you are keeping Christ in Christmas. I'd love to hear from you! 

Be well and happy this holiday season.

All my best,

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1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love your manger tradition. I have to steal it!

    Jen L


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