Saturday, March 12, 2016

Stick-y FUN!

Spring has arrived in the northeast - early, just as the famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil predicted!  Okay!!  So, he finally called it correctly and we are thankful for the thaw and return of green!  The crocuses are blooming and I noticed tiny buds forming on the trees.  Oh, yay!!!  Big, happy smiles here! 

Taking a walk around our yard, there was an ever-plentiful amount of sticks and branches to be cleaned up.  Time to get creative!  Kurt and I asked the girls to help pick up and clean up the yard (there's much to be done and picking up sticks is the least of it).  We asked if they'd like to have a campfire and ... s'mores?!  Any takers?!  We had lots of help with a sticky-sweet reward awaiting their efforts -- ha! win-win!  :)  And, well, we always enjoy our family time outdoors, around the fire pit that my husband made for us last summer.  The conversation was woven with topics ranging from staying safe around the fire, the return of spring, the time it takes to properly toast a marshmallow, and research that Alanna has been doing on Mr. Walt Disney in school. The perfect recipe for an early-evening weekend treat in March.  ;)    

Happy Weekend and Return of Spring to you, friends!!!  :) 

All content unless otherwise cited (c) My 3 Girls Photography 2010 - 2016 


  1. Beautiful! Cherished memories
    (A brave blogger:

    1. Thank you kindly, Deborah! So nice to hear from you!! We love comments. :) Cheers!!
