Monday, March 7, 2016

forty seven, baby

Today marks my forty-seventh rotation around our glorious sun, floating through space and time.  These first 47 turns have given me so incredibly much to reflect on, to be grateful for, and amazing love and wonder.  I have a good life and I'm excited to see, experience all that is yet to come!!  

My young girls and hubby treated me to a gluten-free vanilla cake with chocolate icing and praline sprinkles, which they successfully baked and decorated yesterday.  It doesn't get much tastier than that.  The only way it could have been any better is if my oldest had been part of our celebrations.  We miss our California girl!!  

Okay, I'm ready for the next forty-seven!  Life, you are beautiful.


All content unless otherwise cited (c) My 3 Girls Photography 2010 - 2016 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, LizA!! So thoughtful of you! :)

  2. Happy Birthday Barb! Gluten free - Yum!

    1. Thank you, Denise! :) I am so glad we have reconnected after all these years. You are a keeper, darling! Lots of love!!

  3. Happy, happy birthday to you!! Sounds like a super celebration!! Keep doing whatever you are doing, you still look like you are in high school! <3

    1. Thank you so much, Nicki!! :)) You are much too kind, my friend. I hope you are well! Think spring!! Much love & light. xo
