Saturday, July 30, 2011

Guilty Pleasures...

Musicals, coffee, children's books, maps, browsing antique shops or book stores, and mint chocolate chip ice cream are all coveted pleasures for me. Some are guiltier than others, however, I enjoy these treats! :) Another pleasure of mine is to photograph the bounty of summer. Here are a few images from my flower gardens, veggie garden (which is not very big this year, but still filled with wonders) and a few from my neighbor's field of Christmas trees, which, in summertime, produces a field of wildflowers! My camera calls to me during this productive, magical time of year. How could I resist this splendid temptation?!! ;) 

 {Moon & Stars Watermelon ~ completely took me by surprise! Sweet!}

Here is a "volunteer" growing out of the compost pile ... hmmm, I wonder. Is it zucchini? We shall see!

Hydrangea blooms, purposefully planted for their beautiful colors...

The hardy, prolific Rose of Sharon . . .


Another Swallowtail butterfly. We have abundant beauties visiting our garden!

The next 3 images are from the neighbor's field of wildflowers! Wow!

it's a small world, after all . . .


Do share! What are some of your guilty pleasures, my friend?

Thank you for viewing my summer delights! 

Enjoy your summer days!!

All the best, 

1 comment:

  1. I thought I could smell that tomato in your garden! Your pictures are magical sis, I'm so proud of you!! We grew moon and stars watermelon too, but it never fruited for some reason. How were they?
