Monday, January 14, 2013

a word to live by

I awoke at 2 a.m. this morning, tossing, turning.  Insomnia struck my sleeping brain.  My mind has been heavy with ideas, worries, family, and some very personal epiphanies as to my relationships (to which I've come up with a title for my 1st memoir!).  However, I will save that juicy tidbit for another day.  Today I want to share with my readers the word that will guide my new year.  I hadn't really even realized that I was meditating about it, until… Until, it was whispered to me by a very comforting feeling, silently untapping my consciousness.  In that moment I knew that I needed this word to guide me throughout 2013.  The word that echoed in my mind was simplify.  Nothing too extraordinary, yet profound, invigorating, liberating.  Simplify.  It isn't as beautiful a word as dream, or desire, or love, or hope, or dare, or even faith, but it is my one word.  Simplify.  Being a bit fanatical about words, I immediately looked up my word in my well-loved, torn dictionary.  Simplify is a verb meaning (per the American Heritage dictionary) "to make simple or simpler."  That's all.  As simple as that.  I will simplify my life this year.    

Curious minds wonder.  Do tell.  Have you been whispered your one word for 2013?  Do you choose a single word to guide you each year?  I'd love to hear yours.  

Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity.   ~ Charles Mingus ~

Agreed, Mr. Mingus.  Agreed.  :) 

Good things to come in 2013,
~ Barb ~

1 comment:

  1. oh, that quote is wonderful! I picked enrich for my word and am already having serious shifts in perspective. I do love this word business. I'm here from your Flickr stream, you have a lovely blog!
