Sunday, August 14, 2011

Aperture Field Study

I was recently playing with a rented Sony A55 dSLT camera { that was intended to be used for a wedding shoot - but wasn't - don't ask :( } and decided to post some different images using different aperture settings. I also wanted to capture more of our neighbor's field of wildflowers before they mow between the baby trees. I love this time of year and all the bright greens summertime has to offer.

Won't you do me the honor of choosing your favorite image from the 4 below? I'd love to hear your feedback and comments. . .    

image #1

image # 2

image # 3

image # 4

Different view points, perspectives, and aesthetic tastes are always very interesting to me. As I branch out and meet new people, artists included, I can't help but be inspired by all there is to learn, experiencing new aspects of photography, including ways to alter images during the editing process, forms of photography, and preferences.

I hope to hear from you! You don't need to be a photographer to leave a comment either!! All are welcome to chime in and offer your own perspective. Thank you! :)

Happy summer shooting, friends,

P.s. I usually shoot in aperture priority ~ it's my preferred way.

P.s.s. Thanks to my good, lifelong friend, and fellow photog enthusiast, Andrea, the wedding shoot I did this past weekend turned out GREAT! Thank you, Anj!! You saved the day :)


  1. I would love to see #3 in color! I like #4 the best, since the house just barely peeks out of the trees, and the flowers are sharper. It lends a little mystery!

  2. Normally I would say the black and white is my favorite, but this time I like #4 the best. I love the look of the white flowers in that shot. Great pictures Barb!! I would say that you have found your true calling <3

  3. #4, I like the contrasts. #3 would be second choice, it's pretty neat!

  4. Number 3 is the better shot for me.. Your focus on the plant (sapling?)in the foreground and narrow dof is holding the eye's attention ;).

  5. I like #1 because of the perspective on the house in the background juxtaposed with the flowers in the foreground

  6. #1 for sure. good stuff barb ;) remember this, the bigger the object the bigger difference you will see with the app settings

  7. Loving all your comments, friends! I would have to say that my favorite is #3 with #4 being a VERY close second place. Thanks so much for playing along!! :)

  8. #3 hands down.

  9. I like the third image, as mentioned by others in the comments. The juxtaposition of the foregrounded objects with the conifers is nice. I like the shadows on the conifers--it looks more like a zig zag than individual trees.
