Friday, December 17, 2010

If you are given an idea, go forth and create!

Birthday celebrations are no small matter in my family. Or shall I say, celebrations of any sort for that matter! We are party people who love to have fun together. And fun is what we had last weekend at my second daughter's 5th birthday party. The party's theme was based on the children's book by Laura Numeroff "If You Give a Moose a Muffin" (and illustrated by Felicia Bond). {} This book is a favorite among many of my Alanna's. AHA ~ the perfect party theme! We could utilize our puppet theater, which my dad (structure) and stepmom (curtains) created with love for Alanna's 2nd birthday (are you seeing a running theme here?) and put on a puppet show for everyone too. Who doesn't love to see grown adults being silly with puppets after all?!! :}

I got the idea to make the cake out of cupcakes, a seemingly popular thing to do nowadays, in the spirit of creating the muffin effect derived from the book. It took some steps to create, and I'd like to share some of the images I was able to capture; because, after all, if you give a photographer a camera, she'll want to document the details of her daughter's party! Lucky for me, I had 2 of Alanna's Grandmas helping too. {Big, big THANK YOUS to Granma Deb & Grandma Kay ... xoxo}

Here is Marty the Moose, the star of the puppet show, supervising the production...

the photo below was captured by Kay Culver ~ Thank you kindly, Kay! ~
Here he is all dressed up for the party and ready to be devoured! ;}

This collage was created in the spirit of the birthday girl's love for books ...
She has quite the library, and always growing.
Lucky for her, her mommy loves children's literature!!
(you couldn't tell, could you? ;)

Thanks for viewing!
Cheerio, friends!


  1. Barb,

    These are beautiful!! It makes me want to go bake!

  2. Gave me ideas for our next little party, though I'm not sure the moose would last long with me and chocolate :)

  3. awwwwww great pics Barb! I am looking for those bowls in the first picture. They are like the ones Mom had when we were kids!

  4. Great work ladies!!! And here I thought it was a reindeer so close to Christmas. Very creative and better than what a bakery could do I might add. Loved your blog and all the photos too!! Aunt Shelly from far away.

  5. happy birthday alanna! what a dedicated mom and grandmas. love this idea!
