Sunday, June 12, 2016

Bragging Rights

School is officially OUT of session for the summer break.  We have begun the lazy days of summertime.  But, wait!!  There’s no time to be lazy - yet.  We have one week until the start of Busy Bees Summer Camp for Girls.  I have planning to do, supplies to purchase, lessons to create.  The girls are super excited, and so am I!  We have a truly amazing group of girls that we’ll be welcoming this summer.  I do believe that they’ll be teaching me quite a lot as I attempt to teach them a little.   

I am also in the midst of designing a new photography website and blog.  So, I haven’t decided yet what I’ll do with this blog (should I keep it or not?).  If I can find some quiet time this week, I hope to add the finishing touches and then announce the new site.  Here’s hoping!  

Speaking of quiet time, I found a few moments to go through my images from this past week with the girls.  I couldn’t resist the opportunity to show these precious ones off to you, friends!  Kurt and I are utterly amazed and super proud of all they accomplished this school year!  They both have changed and grown so stinkin’ much, my heart squeezes and melts, at the same time.  "Emmy" is now at a 2nd grade reading level (right where she should be), and can solve math problems like she doesn’t even have to think through the equation.  (Me - scratching head - because I have no clue where this trait came from!).  Neither my husband nor I are math whizzes!  Thankfully, someone in the family is!  She’s going to continue with gymnastics and begin dance in the fall - oh wow, she’s going to have a ball with that!  She is excited for 2nd grade coming up in August.  

Alanna will be riding a different bus next school year as she’s ready to head off to the Middle School and 5th grade!  Gah!  Can I cry now?!  Breathe.  Just breathe.  We couldn’t be prouder of her and all the hard work she put forth this year.  She’s a writer, just like her older sister, but has a different style.  She’s a full-fledged bookworm.  She’s working on the 7th Harry Potter currently, after picking up the series just about 3 weeks ago.  My Alanna has a sensitive, peace-making spirit and is fortunate to have a great group of friends.  The whole “Friends” thing can be tricky at this age, but she truly has some of the best.  She played the alto-Saxophone this year in the band, and even though she wasn’t completely thrilled with it, she finished out the year.  Next year she wants to give the violin a “go” (just like her Aunt Laura!).  I could go on and on (and on…) about my girls, just like every proud momma I know.  Instead, I’ll let you take a peek at a few shots I managed to get with them on the last day of school as we waited for the bus to arrive.  Also, there’s images of the girls with their incredibly talented teachers (and a couple of awards for Alanna - Kurt and I are hugely proud, I tell you!).

First day of 1st and 4th grades... and the last.

And with that, I wish you all prideful moments of your own children as they finish off the school year, and all the bragging rights you can bestow!!  These are the days to cherish with our bright, shining Stars!  ... And let's all have a happy Summer!    

All content unless otherwise cited (c) My 3 Girls Photography 2010 - 2016

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