Hurricane Irene gave us a wallop! I really shouldn't complain. There are many that suffered much greater losses than we did. So, I'll count my blessings and be thankful that we only lost power for 84 hours (or 3.5 days) and our basement only mildly flooded. And, we had to live with a very LOUD generator running 24 hours a day directly across the street from us, in order to provide cable television to those that did have electricity. I'm not going to complain. It could have been worse, and I am very grateful that it wasn't.
The hubby and I read a bunch. The girls played with flashlights, and blew out the candles at bedtime. We played games together. We went to the library. We went shopping. We ate out ~ a lot. Overall, it was an interesting few days. And I was most happy once our power was restored!! We take it for granted. I take it for granted. Time has a way of s l o w i n g down without electricity. Ever notice that?!
I had discount tickets waiting to be used for Longwood Gardens and when the hubster suggested we put them to use, I was all for it!! We forgot all about our electricity woes for a day. Here are some of my favorite images to be shared with you.

Thanks for viewing, friends. We had a great time ~ and I loved documenting our day!
I am relieved and grateful to be back on the grid. And we did have a great excuse to get out of the house, to use the tickets, and spend a terrific time together as a family.
These are the days to treasure. :)
Cheers, my friends,
P. s. Just for fun, watch this little video: Schoolhouse Rock's Electricity
This was our theme song for 3.5 days! ;)-
Having chosen to live without electricity in several situations in my life thus far, I can say I know what you mean about it slowing time down quite a bit...and simplifying life also (although some would disagree with that I'm sure). It can seem too hard at times when you have to wash up in a creek or wash laundry by hand...but when you choose it, then it's more pleasing. Must have been tough though to go 3 1/2 days without it, when you're used to having it on demand. Looks like y'all had a lovely time at Longwood. I need some copies of some of those pix! :) Love ya sis!