Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Let the Scholastic Adventures BEGIN!

And so it begins. My 2nd daughter began her kindergarten adventure today! Rushing around, making sure everything was ready this morning, including my little kindergartner, and wouldn't you know it - the bus was 10 minutes early! Ahhh, get the camera, quick!! Okay, let's go!

Here she has her eyes on the bus waiting patiently for her to embark on her 1st (official) bus ride to school ...

She did great! So brave and confident (unlike her mommy!). After I briefly introduced us and chatted with our kindly bus driver about how this was Alanna's 1st day of kindergarten, got her all buckled into her seat, and we said our "see you laters," I cried like a baby. But I made sure not to do it in front of her! Aren't I the brave one, too?! ;)

They grow so fast, and don't I know it! My oldest is 21 now and a sophomore in college! Good Lord, where does the time go?! I still remember Chelsea (my oldest) getting on the bus to go to kindergarten, and crying as I waved "bye-for-now" to her, too! There's something about the start of school that brings about many mixed emotions for parents. Wanting so much for our children ~ including independence, healthy experiences, learning, growth, friends, fun adventures... 

I hope all parents, children of all ages (including the big ones!), teachers, bus drivers, child caregivers and school administrators have a most excellent school year!! 

 Here's to new adventures in life! :)


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