Today is my sister's birthday! In honor of her special day, I dug out the family albums and put my scanner to work.
We were two peas in a pod while growing up. Seventeen months apart in age, some people mistook us for twins. Our family members, especially our maternal grandmother, loved to dress us alike. We were so adorable together! :)
This photo was taken by our dad (another photog enthusiast) on top of a hill at Valley Forge National Historical Park in King of Prussia, PA. {Can you tell us apart?}
A birthday blog wouldn't be complete without a baby and toddler picture . . .
Our cousin, Stephani was like another sister to us. We spent many of our summers almost inseparable! To see a blog I dedicated to her, please click here: Stephani's birthday blog (2010)
Just for fun ... I added one of my very first photos of my sis. As a kid, I loved to take those "sneak up on my subject (or prey), pounce into view and "SNAP"!!! Surprise!!! :) (oh, she's gonna love me for sharing this one; just about as much as she loved those surprise photos I took of her :)-
We spent most every summer vacation on our grandparent's boat on the Chesapeake Bay in Crisfield, MD. These family times together are some of my most treasured childhood memories, hence my first daughter is named Chelsea {meaning - port of ships}. Reminds me of warm, sun-filled days playing with my sister; long hours of fishing in the bay; eating watermelon on the dock and spitting the seeds in the water; pickin' crabs; listening to the lapping sounds of the water at night against the boat while we slept. Oh, I could go on and on.
Such wonderful memories.
Here we are showing off our catch after a very successful day of fishing!
Here's a fond Christmas memory to share.
Both my sister and I had gone Christmas shopping with our grandmother. She told us we were allowed to pick 1 thing to buy for the other. Without knowing, we chose exactly the same toy for each other!!
A Holly Hobby doll and purse set! :))
Skipping ahead some years. . .
At the tender age of 19, my sister began searching for a healthier lifestyle. She became a vegan, as she still is to this day. Vegans do not eat any dairy or meat products whatsoever. They also do not believe in wearing or using animal products either. (Just in case you were wondering.)
In her early twenties she ventured about. She ended up living on the island of Kauai in the Hawaiian islands on an organic co-operative farm for awhile.
While in Hawaii, she met her soul-mate ~ a Floridian, and fellow organic gardener, Brendan. A few months after their first son, Kai was born they were wed in a beautiful, residential garden in Rose Valley, PA on a warm August day surrounded by family and close friends.
I had the special honor of reading a few words that I wrote about marriage at their ceremony.
It was a wonderful day; one that I will never forget.
Skipping ahead in time. After venturing about some more (including stints in Hawaii, Tennessee, No. Carolina, and Florida). They settled in Homestead, Florida where they welcomed their 2nd son, Junah.
My sister and bro-in-law absolutely love the tropics! This thirst of theirs led them to move their family to the small South American country of Costa Rica. While it was paradise for a while, she grew homesick and eventually moved back to the states.
Another reason they moved back to the states was because she was expecting their 3rd child and she longed to be with her family for their baby's blessed arrival.
Little did she know, they made it home (to Pennsylvania) just in the nick of time.
At a mere 26 weeks gestation, Laura and Brendan welcomed their baby girl, Aria. Weighing in at 1 pound 1 ounce at birth, she received neo-natal care for 2 months in Reading's finest hospital. We adoringly call Aria our little "miracle baby."
Here Laura is giving Aria her 1st bath. . .
They tried living in No. Carolina again, but eventually made their way back to Florida. And now, they have come full circle as they recently moved back to Homestead in search of a permanent home for their family.
Please say a little prayer that they find their dream home and settle down to raise their young family. I've been saying mine everyday.

This is a Christmas family photo from 2008 (L - I need a more recent family photo). Anyhow, Aria and the boys are thriving. Kai (15), Junah (6) and Aria (3) are all doing great! The boys are looking forward to starting school very soon. Laura and Brendan diligently raise their children as vegans, and Aria's growth is astounding for such a delicate start in life. I admire and adore these people, and miss them dearly.
I found this sweet poem by Cyndi Moore just for you, Laura.
Sister, we've been there through life's sorrow and pain
But together we have always endured the strain
We've argued and bickered and made each other mad
But if you weren't my sister, life would be so sad
We've cried till we laughed and laughed till we cried
Sometimes for no reason we didn't even know why
When we're not together our bond is just as strong
Because we are sisters we know when something is wrong
We've whispered our deepest secrets only sisters could share
I love my sister dearly because she really cares
So whether we are together or we are far apart
{Laura}, you're my sister, my friend and forever in my heart.
Laura ~ Have a wonderful birthday!! You will always be my very first, very best friend in the whole wide world! :) I love you.
With overflowing love,
Happy birthday Laura!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Laura!!!! We love you, John & Kay
ReplyDeleteWow! I'm holding back my tears of joy, Barb...this was so very thoughtful and sweet. I'll treasure it always! :) I love you sis!! We're heading to the beach right now, so better run! (it's a family tradition by now I guess). Thank you for thinking of me in this very special way! I'm honored. Love, Laura
ReplyDeleteBarb, this is absolutely beautiful in every way!!! Brought back many wonderful memories and brought tears of joy to my eyes! I'll make sure Dad sees this... My lovely Laura, HAPPY 41ST BIRTHDAY!!! here's wishing you a day that's as "special" as you are and hoping it's filled with fun, love and happieness much like what you bring to us all!!! With all our love always...Mom & Dad XOXOX
ReplyDeleteOkay, so I am SUCH an idiot--just now putting together that the Laura Behrle I knew in HS and the Barb Behrle I knew in HS would be sisters...yeah. DUH. Anyway...this is an incredible album, such a nice remembrance and so sweet. Happy birthday, Laura! Such a wonderful family and interesting life! Oh, and today's my sister's birthday, too, and I didn't do anything for I feel very guilty!!
Happy Birthday Laura! Reading this blog brought back a lot of great memories of you and your entire family. My how time flies.
ReplyDeleteBarb, what a great sister you are for doing this and what great women you have both turned into.
Happy Birthday, Laura!
ReplyDeleteBarb... this wonderful collection, and thoughts make me feel so very proud to be your Momma....... I am so very blessed to have the two most wonderful, beautiful Daughters in the world.......... Don't ever change...
ReplyDeleteLaura I know you are having a wonderful fantastic time today...
Be well my love, stay happy, and have your wonderful family give you lots of hugs and kisses from me........ Hope to see you real soon... oh yeah, and check your mail... All my love, Now and Forever, Love, Mom.
Happy birthday, Laura! Say, who's that sexy lady with the long legs in the 6th picture on the dock?! She looks like a movie star :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful tribute Barb. So fun to read, and I love all the old pictures! ;)
ReplyDeleteOh, and I'm with anon. above--who's the hottie in yellow?!
ReplyDeleteLoved it bunches!!! Happy 41st Laura ; )) xoxoxooxoxo
ReplyDeleteThe elusive, lanky lady in yellow is our Mom Behrle (aka Trudy). Isn't she a hot mama?!!!! ;)
ReplyDeleteGreat Job Barb! Happy Birthday Laura, We miss you!!