Saturday, July 23, 2011

dare I say this, but ...

You, my friend, are not going to believe this! I can hardly believe it myself! After I poured my heart out on the pages of my blog "Truth be told..." last weekend, things began to churn in the universe! Or else they were already churning and I was not able to see the trees, butterflies, and the beauty of all good things in good time through the thick haze of my foggy, threadbare faith. So much has happened since last weekend! I am still a little hesitant to even comprehend the fortunate turn of events, let alone announce it to “the world!” ;)

Prayers have been answered. My husband had an interview at a well-established commercially outfitted construction company on Friday. Things went swimmingly well, and he was offered a job worthy of his skills ~ with benefits no less!! He has yet another interview with a different company this coming Tuesday. It’s either feast or famine, as they say! We are simply in awe of the recent attention, and the job offer that he received. Our glasses met in a toast last evening, as he told me all about his interesting meeting with the owner of the construction company. 

After nearly a year of struggling to find employment, return to some sense of normalcy, along with the means of a steady income in order to earn our way in life, things are actually looking up for us! I would very much like to express my deep appreciation for all your prayers, positive encouragement, and friendly kindness that you have shown us. The emails, comments of support, and phone calls in response to my earlier blog "Truth be told..." overwhelmed me. I was brought to tears on many occasions by your tremendous acts of kindness. It’s true about the nobleness of the human spirit, and I have been reminded of that yet again.

Thank you ever kindly, my friends, for everything! God is good, and definitely works in curious ways sometimes, doesn’t He?! My heart is glad to know He hears us and answers our calls for help, and just in the nick of time too! He’s smiling broadly, probably saying, "I told you so!” ;)

With abundant gratitude, and a joyful heart,


P.s. I just love this shot of us in our backyard at home. Thank you again, Morgan Taylor, for your talents! :)  


  1. Believe in the power of prayer! That's wonderful news for your family, Barb. You guys deserve all the happiness!

  2. I believe so strongly in the power of prayer, and having faith...
    "There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in GOD should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever" Mahatma Gandhi.
    This saying has gotten me through some really rough times. I Believe.......

  3. This is such great news! I'm very happy for you guys!

  4. yipeee!!!!!! Hallelujah! :) Yes, prayers, faith, and a little hard digging usually do the trick!! So is he going to be doing plumbing for the construction company? Love you sis!
