Sunday, November 29, 2015

Traditions Honored

Thanksgiving 2015 is in the books and we are moving towards the season of advent.  My friends, I have had a full week of family, food, celebrations, friends, and love.  My big girl, Chelsea and her fiancée, Lindsey are home from California for an all-too-short-visit this holiday.  Plus, my Mom is visiting with us this week from Nashville.  We have a house full and it's been a wonderful holiday!!  While we have the family in town, we decided this would be an optimum time for us to celebrate our Alanna's 10th birthday (double digits, oh my!).  We celebrated her birthday with her classmates at a family fun center, complete with arcade, roller-skating, and an adventure challenge (tubes to climb through and swaying bridges suspended as high as the ceiling)!  It was tons of F U N!!!  The kids were awesome - Alanna has some of the best friends.  I was thoroughly impressed by these 9 and 10 year olds.  Super kids!!  

Before we headed out to have birthday fun, Chelsea had the great idea to commemorate our golden retriever, Bear's 14th birthday by cementing his paw prints.  We've noticed a significant decline in his health over the past 6 months and, well, we're not sure how much longer he will be with us.  I will never forget surprising Chelsea with our brand new puppy for Christmas (2001)!  She had been asking and asking and begging for a puppy for a long while.  She was over the moon with exuberance when we revealed her gift!!!  He's been a steadfast friend and companion to all of us ever since.  Thanks to Chelsea's thoughtful idea, we honored our old "Bear-boy" and now have his paw prints secured, whatever the future holds for him.  For those of you who have loved a dog, for any amount of time, you will understand the importance of treasuring our old, loyal, furry friend, Bear.  


I hope you have had a fabulous Thanksgiving holiday, filled to the rim with smiles, traditions, fun, and family.  

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