It's my birthday! Number forty-five! Hooray! :-) I know, I should probably feel some remorse, some self-pity, or dread at officially being in the middle of my life, however … for whatever reason … I feel awesome! Listen up, 20-somethings and 30-somethings looking ahead in your own life, they never told me how much better life actually gets. It certainly does. I feel better now than I did in my 20s!! Sure, I could stay up and party all night then - something I have no desire to do now.. No, it's something deeper in my soul that feels at ease, calm, more sure. It's an acceptance that feels so good. When I was in my 20s, I was so busy rushing through life, working in the corporate world to attain my goals, to pay bills, to buy our first home, to raise my first-born daughter in the best possible way I knew how. I was a worrier - about everything. You know what, I do not worry near as much now.

Then a shift happened in my early 30s and I left the corporate world and entered college for the first time in my life. Scared? Oh, you betcha I was!! Although, my dream to teach children outweighed my fears. Plus, I have the most wonderful, supportive husband in God's glorious universe. I found out that I love learning, pushing my boundaries and that I (me!) actually have something special to contribute. It was, without a doubt, one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself. In my late thirties, my husband and I welcomed our two youngest daughters - and more blessings than I could ever imagine for our family life. When I look back at the timeline of my life, I've come to realize that I am completely and utterly unconventional!! And, I like that about me. It works. Throughout my life, one thing has always been a constant. Something I have always expressed a deep interest in and that something is art and photography. If I wasn't creating a mural on a baby's room wall, or rearranging furniture, or painting the interior walls of our home, or watercoloring invitations to family parties, or setting up photo ops for my girls, or designing a garden bed, or making something for someone, any form of creative expression than I was probably dreaming up my next creative project! It was only fitting for me to start my own photography business, as it was a natural progression of my self expression and fulfills a deep desire I have to create art. Plus, photography has been an integral part of my life since early childhood. It fits. When I'm in the creative process, I am happiest, at peace, and feel closer to God than at any other time. Expressing myself creatively is a spiritual rejuvenation for me.
So .. on that note. The next part of this post is for my girls. These words of wisdom are to be passed along, and I hope they will read this one day and nod in agreement, "yea, that sounds like mom!" :)
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Dearest Daughters,
As I celebrate my forty-fifth year, I have plenty to reflect on and I'd like to share some words of wisdom with you. I know each of you will understand my intentions and the meaning behind my words when you are ready. It's the precious gift of learning, experiencing life and the growth that comes to everyone at precisely the right moment. No worries, my loves. Your purpose will be fulfilled. I feel most assured. You are each a ray of light in my life and I am the proudest mommy ever!
+ Be grateful. Show your gratitude. Do not hold back. When you feel thankful - say it, show it. Your cup will overflow every time.
+ Help others. Help them to see their potential, their light, their special gifts. If someone is in need, reach out. When lifting another, you ultimately lift yourself. It's a win-win!
+ Love yourself. Self love is extremely important - for everything extends from it. Take time to reflect on your feelings, thoughts, and care for yourself. Journal. Meditate. Practice yoga regularly. Exercise. Take exceptional care of your skin and teeth. Cleanse. Moisturize. Brush. Floss. Cleanse. Moisturize. Brush. Floss. And drink water mostly!
+ Watch your words. Again, everything will flow from them. If you are constantly focusing on negative words and lack, than that's what will transpire in your life. But, if you focus on positive words and abundance, than that is what will transpire in your life. It's up to you. Which would you prefer?
+ Save your money. Save your money. Save your money. Learn this habit as soon as possible. When you receive money or payment from another, learn to honor that money by paying yourself first. By paying yourself, by putting it aside, either in an account, piggy bank, or locked box, you will honor yourself and your hard work by doing so.
+ Follow your passion. Follow your heart. Listen to that small voice inside of you. Above all else, definitely, most assuredly listen to that voice! It is there to guide you, to counsel you, and it will not steer you in the wrong direction. If something feels wrong in your heart and that wee voice tells you so, please, please, listen to it. I cannot stress this one enough. Learn to trust that voice. For that voice is your heart, your soul, your life's north star -- follow it.
+ Use your gifts. Use your gifts to the fullest capacity!! You each have such beautiful gifts, too. When you use your gifts, putting them in action, you will find that not only will you be fulfilled, and rejuvenated by them, everyone else will be too! You each have so much to offer already - I'm so excited to watch you flourish and grow as you answer the call of your spirit. It's a thrill that I will never tire of. So, use your gifts to the best of your abilities and align yourself with everything else that I have mentioned and the sky's the limit, baby!!!
Thank you for listening to your momma ramble words of advice. I hope you know how proud I am of each of you. Being your mom is an honor and I love you with my entire being, every last fiber of me. Happy Birthday to me!!!
Life - Bring on more awesomeness!! I'm ready!! And so very thankful!!
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