Monday, January 28, 2013

Making Art

We awoke this morning to fine snow falling and sleet mix.  The phone call came advising us that school has been cancelled for today.  umm, YAY!  I love snow days!  It means I get to spend an entire unplanned day with my girls.  We get an unexpected surprise "day off!"  Still in our PJ's, Alanna (my 7 y/o) pulled out the roll of paper that fits neatly in her easel.  She didn't want to keep it confined to a neat roll any longer.  When I saw the amount of paper she wanted to draw on, I suggested attaching it to the wall and create a community mural.  I use community loosely here, rather it is a family mural project.  But in the spirit of teaching my girls about working together, in harmony, as a team, we have branded it a community project.  And as a community, we must respect one another's artwork - nobody is allowed to draw over someone else's drawing without permission; we must allow one another the freedom and liberty to express our art in our own unique way, without criticism.  So, when Alanna questioned Emmy's (3 y/o) decision to add pink snow to a springtime scene, I added that she had a right to include pink snow. ;) With big, heavy sighs, she accepted that answer.  We'll continue to add artwork to the mural project until we all feel satisfied with it.  

Making art with my girls is one of life's pure joys for me.  I hope you are having an art-filled day, too!!  :)  Peace to you, my friends. 

With love & brightly colored crayons, 

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