Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Sisters. The word alone conjurs thoughts of an intimate bond between girls; one that is filled with laughter, giggles, tears, heartache - a life together, yet somehow separate. A childhood filled with shared memories {although not always identical}. At times I feel that my sister picks up where I leave off, and vice versa. She is the only one who knows the deepest places of my soul {sorry hubby, you don't pass GO on this one}. Whenever I need someone to right me, put me in my place, or lift me up, it's my sister that comes to my rescue. I can always count on her to tell it to me straight. How fortunate I am. How fortunate are women to know this bond between the female kind. For we are stronger, wiser for the relationships we form. I love my sister. I love you, Laura. I hope my girls are fortunate enough to form the same kind of bond that we have.

Did I mention that my sister lives roughly 1000 miles away? She is a wandering, travelling spirit, so, I'm thankful that she's at least living on the eastern seaboard of North America. I'll count my blessings where I may. We don't get many chances to spend quality time together: we are both full-time moms juggling schedules and households. I had a window of opportunity to take my 2 young girls for a visit, and I jumped on it! Plus, we needed an excuse to celebrate my sister's 40th birthday! We managed to squeeze a lot in our short visit - all worthwhile and immensely special. Please enjoy a few shots of my dearest loved ones while we visited Daytona Beach, FL.

I like the beach, Mama!

sand art

Picnic time at Ponce Inlet lighthouse Beach Park...

and time to play too!

lighthouse at Ponce Inlet {Daytona Beach}
the sweet and silly, Aria

look what I found!


good bye, mighty Atlantic Ocean, for now...

Thanks for viewing!
If you are interested in seeing the entire collection, please visit my gallery at:
Your comments are always welcomed and appreciated. Let me know what you are thinking. Are you fortunate to have a sister in your life (either blood related or not)?
peace & love,

1 comment:

  1. That was beautiful! I wish I had that kind of bond with my siblings. I feel I have a wonderful time w/ them when I can see them. Although my relationship with my sister , Shayne has fallen apart. I havent spoken to her in over a year..except when she called me on my birthday & we got in a fight.
    Hold on to that relationship forever. Because when it's gone... it takes a piece of your heart along with it.
