Yes, that’s right – Dr. Seuss!

It’s no wonder that I teach my girls how to read using his books – the very ones that I learned from. I love children’s literature, and I especially adore the Doctor’s! His books are simply enjoyable to read. I do believe that most parents would agree. And if not, you should not, could not, would not, shall not read my blog ever again {a little Seussical humor, all in fun, of course}.

But, seriously folks, bedtime in our home is an all-encompassing, rigorous nightly chore. Nobody likes to sleep around here except the parents!! Blearily, I tell you, there is a strict routine that we must adhere to: Bath (bubbles or no), teeth brushing, potty time, pajamas (must meet approval), choice snuggly animal, and at least 3 stories (2 if we pout long enough). Although, story time, I must admit, is the best part of the nightly routine. Our 4 year old, A, soaks up this family tradition. She has even begun her own nightly storytelling! One must admire that the good Dr. Seuss, in all his fine weavery, brings closeness, warmth, and true home-spun love right to our A’s bedroom. Here’s to you, master of children’s literature; king of nonsensical words! We love your green eggs and ham; your Sneetches on beaches; and cats in hats. May happiness surround you in heaven!

Always an entertaining read. I loved this one. Your sarcasm is lovable and your insight into something so mundane always surprises me. Love you, mom!