Yesterday my husband and I went on a date! This is no small matter, I tell you. With all seriousness, we have not been on a date – alone, together – in God knows how long! Sadly, I can’t remember the last time. About the closest we’ve gotten to a date lately is if we get Chinese take-out on a Friday evening. “WooHoo,” I cheer!!! Ok; our big date was a matinee showing of the sci-fi blockbuster movie “AVATAR.” Incredible. Unbelievable. Fantastic. Heart-wrenching. Suspenseful. Thrilling. Heart-warming. Simply put – a masterpiece. I love a movie that takes me away to another realm; transports me; makes me laugh; makes me cry; makes me think. Avatar did all of this. The 3D effects were spectacular, as well. It really made the movie "come to life." Our big date was our Valentine’s Day gift to one another. It was a sweet treat. It made me realize, also, how important it is that we make time just for us every so often. To be a couple. To “court” one another. To have some bonding time. With little ones around 24/7, we tend to lose sight of the significance of our romantic life. Life with children is a terrific blessing, but 'K' and I must remember to nurture our marriage too. Our 13th wedding anniversary is fast approaching. Makes for a great reason to go on another date (she smiles widely). Now, to find a babysitter...
You are a very WISE Woman... My beautiful Daughter... Keep it up, I love you. Mom.