With great enthusiasm and a clear mission to empower our young girls in a safe, home environment, during the upcoming summer break, Busy Bees Summer Camp for Girls ages 7 and older will be opening its doors for a third consecutive year!
We will be turning off the electronics - the devices, the phones, the pads, the telly, and switching on our creative selves through nature, play, art, yoga & meditation, swimming, and drama + play acting, too. This idea may sound “old-fashioned” to many, and it may very well be, however, this is my summertime goal for me, my girls (ages 12 and 9) and all the Busy Bee members! We’re unplugging and recharging through healthy action, mindful communication and reclaiming our sense of wonder built on the core values our natural world teaches:
- Develop patience: All things in good time and at their own pace
- Embrace uniqueness: Together we are One, and our differences keep life interesting and diverse
- Build community: We are connected and belong to one another
- Nurture yourself: Building strong bodies, minds and spirits with physical fitness and healthy foods
- Respect life: Giving and receiving respect is the foundational principle of the Golden Rule
As well as developing a vigorous curriculum filled to the brim with arts and crafts, photography, some dramatic play acting, journaling, yoga, meditation and nutrition, gardening and science activities, swimming and cooperative games; I want to invite members from the community to visit with us and present special skills or crafts to the girls. If you or someone you know that might have an interest in this, please let me know! Your ideas are welcomed. Broadening our horizons will help teach the girls to dream big and conquer any obstacles in their way. I’ve already been in contact with some very positive role models for our girls and we’ll be working out the details for their presentations in yoga and the arts.
Included in the list of workshop presenters for Summer 2018 are:

Since this summer camp will be held at our home [see map below], I can only take up to 6 girls per week. I would love to expand possibly in the future to take on more enrollment, however, for this summer, we are limited on our capacity. This is why it is imperative that enrollment is on a first come, first secured basis. Registration is coming up and will be open as of March 20. An Open House event is scheduled for Saturday, May 5, from 2 - 5pm. This event is open to all, most especially our Busy Bee families. This is your opportunity to come out and see our home, our yard (where we’ll be spending the majority of our days), meet me and my family, review the curriculum and agenda for the 4 week program, and get your daughter(s) enrolled. A deposit fee of $50 (per family) is due at the time of registration to secure your daughter’s place in the program.
Available hours (Monday through Friday) and weekly tuition rates are as follows:
9am - 3pm — Weekly tuition is $160 per girl
"Early-Bird" Tuition Special is $140 per week/girl if paid in full on or before May 31, 2018.
Otherwise, all tuition is due on or prior to June 30, 2018 to be considered "actively enrolled" in the 2018 program.
New this summer!! "Flex time" for working families who need extra time before and after camp. We'll be opening our doors at 8:30am and will extend the day to 3:30 for those that may need a little extended time for drop-off and pick-up.
Rates include all art & craft supplies, special workshops, and healthy snacks.
Girls are required to bring along a packed lunch.
Registration closes as of Saturday, June 16, 2018
The Busy Bees Summer Camp for Girls will run for 4 consecutive weeks this summer:
Week 1: July 23 - 27
Week 2: July 30 - August 3
Week 3: August 6 - 10
Week 4: August 13 - 17
As we say, once a Busy Bee, always a Busy Bee. We hope to see you at our Open House event! This summer is bound to be a bright one with the girls!! I'm so excited to dig in and get started!!
P.s. If you have any questions whatsoever, please feel welcome to email me at my3girlsphotography@gmail.com or call/text 484.769.2520 -- Let's set up a meeting! Come, check out our program offerings for the girls!
And our NEW (private) INSTAGRAM account. Only friends we personally know will be allowed to follow us there. Thank you for understanding.
Barbara Liszcz is a PA certified teacher in early childhood, elementary and special education. Currently, she is a preschool substitute teacher at Robeson Lutheran Preschool as well as a Family + Child portrait photographer and mother of 3 girls (ages 27, 12, 9). She is an avid gardener; an artist at heart; a big-time smiler, hugger, and constant seeker of love, light and laughter.
All content unless otherwise cited (c) My 3 Girls Photography 2010 - 2018