This time of year has me all sorts of reflecting, intentionalizing (is that a word?), cleaning and clearing out, and preparing to welcome new blessings into my life. Can you relate? If so, you are probably part of my "tribe." :) And I'm glad you are! That means I'm not alone in this crazy, good life. It's 2016 and I have sixteen things to share with you, my readers, and I hope to keep it meaningful. . . Here goes. . .
1. I am about to schedule a mammogram appointment (this week). I am close to celebrating 47 years now and, sadly, I must admit that this will be my first mammogram. I know. I know! Well, the important thing is that I will begin my annual checks in this department. I will also tell you that I'm not real excited about it. Also, if you are a woman over 40, please do not wait as long as I have to get started having your breasts thoroughly examined. You'll thank yourself.
2. I love hanging out here - at my blog - writing, sharing, posting, and I hope to do more of it this year. If you are a blogger and can share any tips/tricks with me, I'm open to your advice.
3. I also love to read blogs! Do you have any favorites to share with me? I am open to your suggestions.
4. Chookoolonks by Karen Walrond is a definite favorite blog of mine. If you haven't yet discovered her, I suggest you do. She's a fountain of inspiration. I also love to read Momastery by Glennon Doyle Melton. Be forewarned though, she's a truth-teller and a God-lover and an absolutely amazing lady, in my humble opinion. Another blogger, whom I recently discovered and have fallen for, is Garden Betty by Linda Ly. This earthy mama grows her own organic food, writes CSA cookbooks and blogs, makes beautiful images to share with all, and instills a healthy lifestyle. So glad I've found all of these amazing ladies!
5. I admire integrity. If a person/friend/family member has integrity, or at the very least, leans in hard towards this attribute, I cannot help but love and admire them. It's a difficult trait to master and a great thing to aspire towards.
6. I love working with children. They cannot help but be brutally honest, openly loving, and are constantly learning, curious human beings. Hmm. This list has me thinking that, you know what, these are some of the things I am continuously working towards. I have found my home.
7. This year, I'd like to incorporate more bath time for myself. Soaking in the tub feels like a luxury to me. I definitely don't have enough "luxury" in my life. Note to self: implement more baths!
8. Speaking of luxury, the hubby and I bought ourselves a "new" car! Purchasing a new car is like the last thing I ever want to do. It's tedious work - all the research, checking, then double checking, figuring out the best deal to get the most miles. We haven't purchased a car in over 10 years! yikes... We were due! We traded in our '99 Subaru and bought a Toyota Prius V - perfect hybrid vehicle for a family of four on the go! It's like a dream!! Someone pinch me!!!

9. Each year, since 2011, instead of making new year's resolutions, I have been choosing a single guiding word. My words have been: heart, prayerful, simplify, grace, inspire. This year my one word is forgive. This word, however simple it seems, has a ton of weight for me. Over the past year I've gone through some pretty hurtful stuff with a few of my own family members, the very people I love with my entire being and turn to when in need. Trust has been broken. The personal anguish at times felt unbearable. I lean on my faith during these times of heartache and, miraculously, my "cup" fills up quicker than it ever has before, and I attribute this miracle to the Lord's spirit within me. The light of my Lord is powerful and faith is a muscle I repeatedly flex. How forever grateful I am. With this said, and without certain family members asking for my forgiveness, I have chosen to forgive over grief and heartbreak. As well, first and foremost, I will forgive myself and the standards I hold myself to at times.
10. Forgiveness is a power beyond anything I've ever experienced in my little life. It's huge. If I could offer advice to my younger self, it would be to quickly forgive; keeping in mind that each of us on our life's journey are only doing the best we know, with the tools we have. Dr. Brené Brown's book, "Rising Strong," points this out so well. I absolutely loved this read! And highly recommend it.
11. I keep an entire file on the subject of forgiveness. When I need some words to soak into my bones, I reference this file. Recently I found this quote and it resonates so well for me I gotta share it: "Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future."
-- Paul Boese
12. Geez, I need to lighten this post up a bit! I love to laugh, and I love humor. Life is too short not to enjoy the ride! Tell me a funny story!!
13. My Alanna (10), turns to me last night after dinner and, with tears in her eyes, says to me, "I couldn't ask for anything more in my life." A terrific sense of gratitude had filled her "big, old" soul. She then began to look around at our home, her life, her friends, her family, and realizing how blessed she is, began listing all the things she is grateful for. What a kid!!! Her insight completely blows me away at times.
14. Speaking of gratitude, I've begun a daily gratitude journal. Each day I will reflect on at least one thing I am grateful for - seeking those serendipitous moments in life - the little miracles of love & light. It might be as simple as a kind smile from a stranger, or a phone call from a friend. Or the bigger things, like Alanna's heartfelt gratitude moment last night at dinner. The intention, of course, is to look for those joyful moments of gratitude throughout the day. Do you practice this daily exercise? If so, how has it altered your perspective on life? I would think that this practice can only produce positive results. I'll let you know.
15. Am I at number 15 already?! I thought this sharing of 16 things would be harder than it seems. Turns out I have lots to share! I hope you've enjoyed reading my post and will comment on it - below. I love reading your comments!!!
16. I took a 2 month personal social media break this past fall - namely Facebook - and reengaged on Christmas day. I learned a lot during that time. Number 1, that it is indeed possible to stay in-the-know without being plugged in to everyone's posts and shares. Number 2, my mind was clearer. Number 3, I felt more creative energy flowing through me. Number 4, I just may do this more often. So, if you see that I'm not active on Facebook, than please do come on over here to my blog and check out what's going on. If you'd like to subscribe, please click on this >>link<< and enter your email address. I promise not to bombard you with too many emails. I do love my subscribers and have something special planned just for you. Stay tuned, my friends. :)
Have you shared your own sixteen things or One Word for 2016? If so, please let me know where I can read about yours! I do enjoy staying connected with you!!!! As always, thanks for stopping by, reading, and commenting. Life is good. Wishing you a light-filled, heart-opening new year filled with forgiveness.