Hear ye! Hear ye! Get your local news from the Tri County Record!
Turn to page 17 - a special Agri-Business Issue published this week. There you will find my 1st Focus on Local project spotlighting B & H Organic Produce (Hartz Natural Food Store)!!
I learned some great facts while reading the special section.
Did you know that Pennsylvania's number one industry is agriculture with $5.9 billion in sales?! I was pretty amazed by the statistics in print. I did not know that farming contributes an estimated $3.25 billion to our local economy (farm sales, employment, taxes, service industries). Staggering numbers to think about. . .
I'm doing a happy dance!

The Tri County used 2 of my photos and just about my entire write up! You can imagine how humbled, shocked, excited, nervous, and completely thrilled I am to be published in my local newspaper ~ more reasons to celebrate local economies!!
Be sure to pick up your copy of this week's Tri County Record!
If you happened to miss the blog post - please click on this link: http://focusonlocal.blogspot.com/2012/02/let-projects-begin.html
Now, my friends, I'm off to the frame shop! ;)
All the best,