First off, I'd like to wish you a happy, love-filled Valentine's Day! I hope you are soaking up the warmer temps, feeling your best, and looking forward to a nice evening filled with champagne, strawberries, a candlelit dinner, your favorite person . . . For me though ~ it's only a nice dream. I hope somebody out there is keeping romance alive! (it certainly isn't my hubby and I though). For those out there reading this with little ones in your midst - may I ask - how do you maintain a healthy couple's life?! Any tidbits would be appreciated. It's not that we don't want to have time alone together ~ it's more we can't seem to find the time. How do other "married with children" couples find time for each other?! How do you keep the romance alive?
Enough of my romantic woes... I have an important announcement to make! As many of you know, I had offered a giveaway opportunity for a FREE, full photo shoot with yours truly on the One Word for 2011 blog post :) ... I must tell you how joyously overwhelmed I was by your responses! Yay! I read your One Word comments over and over again, savoring your words and your heartfelt honesty. I am happy to know that I am in such terrific company. That you not only took time out of your precious day to view my blog, the photos, and then write such endearing comments. I am humbled. I was moved to tears, laughter and triumphant emotions of "Yes, You Can Do It!" Thank you to everyone who left me a comment. Your words will be with me always. I am grateful to you.
So, back to the important announcement! I had my 5 year old draw from a hat holding the one word comments (of the Non-Anonymous sort) left on the One Word for 2011 blog. Can I tell you how hard it is to choose just one?! V E R Y ! But, here it is ... She pulled out "Giggles!" Stacy Smoker ~ you are my winner!!! :)) Congratulations, my friend! I hope you are as excited as I am!
Thank you again and again to everyone who played along, left your One Word comments, and spoke your heart's truth here on my humble little blog. I am inspired by your words, your friendship, and your love.
Wishing you all simple pleasures loaded with great joy on this Valentine's Day!
With love and friendship,
P.s. the flowers in the photos are courtesy of my parents. Thanks again Mom & Dad for the cheerful bouquet!! :) Love you guys.