Someone very near and dear to me once said, “Christmas is for lovers and children.” I think what she meant was that these hearts are most eager for the big day to come! Theirs are full of love, light, and anticipation of great joy! Just think back on Christmas’ past, when you were a child and how exciting the events leading up to the momentous occasion felt. Can you remember your first Christmas with your now spouse, life partner, or otherwise long-term relationship? Can you stretch your memory even further, and think back on your heart as a child experiencing Christmas? I sure can remember what it felt like. It was pure joy – plain and simple. My very first Christmas memory was at my grandparent’s home in Paoli, Pennsylvania. I remember my shiny red tricycle sitting in plain sight with a big bow on it when I came down the stairs in my footed pajamas at the age of 3. What a great memory. I hope you have some meaningful, lasting memories that keep your hearts young, light, and full of hope.
In preparation for the nearing holidays, my friends asked me to come to their home to photograph them for their Christmas greeting cards. Sure thing! I was excited that they thought of me, and put so much trust in my chosen art form. Yay for me! We have been friends for many years now. I still recall gathering at their first home that they had just purchased. Young and full of fun – we had some terrific times together! When my husband and I were in their presence, we had a tendency to be “young” and full of fun, too!!! It’s always great to see these friendly faces – now parents of a 2 year old; proud owners of their own growing HVAC business; and soon they will be moving (closer to us :}) into their newly built home on a rather large property in Elverson. We are so excited for them, and look forward to seeing them more often!

This was the shot they chose for their Christmas card...
For all my readers - May I ask? What was your first Christmas memory? I'd love to hear from you.
As the anticipation builds this holiday season, I wish you a renewed heart
filled with joy, peace and love eagerly awaiting the big day.
Peace to you friends,
With love,
P.s. A quick update on the tally so far that has accumulated for UNICEF - We have raised a little more than $50 ... so far!!! And counting! Thank you so much!!!