Minutes tick away on the clock. Days go by. Years pass before our very eyes. Have you ever found yourself saying over and over "where does the time go?!" I most certainly feel that way when I stop, think about where I am in life, and reflect. Where does it go? There's so much to do in such a short amount of time! Do you ever feel that too?
My family and I visited a dear friend of ours earlier today. Our neighbor, Mr. S, is celebrating another momentous birthday today. He is 97. Every day is a gift to him. Every minute he is "awake," he counts as a blessing. Now, I must tell you that this guy is no ordinary guy. The man still drives - everywhere. He still lives in his home of 50+ years - alone. He's faithful about attending church - every week. He continues to plant a vegetable garden - every year. He cans the fruits that grow on his property. He makes the most scrumptious chocolate peanut butter eggs that I've ever tasted (which, by the way, all the ladies at church go ga-ga for!). He enjoys a good game of cards and a beer to accompany. AND ... His sense of humor is firmly in tact.
When I asked him earlier how it feels to be 97, he replied (very matter-of-factly too), "It doesn't feel much different than being 96!" And then his signature grin :) spread across his face! I can always count on Mr. S. to make me smile. Along with his cheerful nature, he has been given the gift of humor. And, I do believe his gift has kept him enjoying every moment he is given.
I asked him if I could take his picture ...
I should be asking to record his life story!
Here's to you, Mr. S.! Thank you for your bright smile and light, fun perspective on life. Happy birthday!